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Privacy Policy

Miguel Romaguera (Romamiel 2021 S.L)

0034 639855789

2.- Privacy and personal data protection policy

2.1.- Exercise of data protection rights

Users may send a written communication to the address of S'Hort de Son Caulelles ([email protected]), including in both cases a photocopy of your ID or other similar identification document, to request the exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition.

2.2.- Routes by which personal data are collected. Purpose of processing

The personal data collected will be automatically processed and incorporated into the corresponding files held by S'Hort de Son Caulelles. You can also provide us with your data by telephone or e-mail. The purpose of processing this data will be solely to provide the information or services you request.

2.3.- Social networks

S'Hort de Son Caulelles has a profile on the main professional social networks on the Internet (Facebook, Instagram), recognizing in all cases those responsible for processing the data of their followers, followers, subscribers, commentators and other user profiles (hereinafter followers). . The treatment that S'Hort de Son Caulelles will carry out with such data will be, at most, the one that the social network allows to corporate profiles. In this way, S'Hort de Son Caulelles will be able to inform its followers by any means that the social network allows about its activities, presentations and offers, in addition to providing personalized customer service. In no case will S'Hort de Son Caulelles extract data from social networks, unless the user's consent is expressly and expressly obtained for this purpose. When, due to the very nature of social networks, the effective exercise of the rights of the follower is subject to the modification of the personal profile of the latter, S'Hort de Son Caulelles will assist and advise him/her to that end to the best of its ability.

3.- Responsibility for the content of the website

The website contains texts prepared for informational or informative purposes that may not reflect the current state of legislation or jurisprudence and refer to general situations, so the user can never apply its content to specific cases. The content of the articles published on this website can in no case be considered a substitute for legal advice. The user should not act on the basis of the information contained in this website without first seeking professional advice.

S'Hort de Son Caulelles will observe, as far as possible, the correct functioning of the website, the accuracy of its content and the accuracy of what is published on it. However, it is not responsible for any errors or omissions that may suffer the contents of the website, blog or other content that can be accessed through it. Likewise, the user exonerates S'Hort de Son Caulelles from liability for the use that may be made of the contents of the website without first having the necessary legal advice from S'Hort de Son Caulelles.

S'Hort de Son Caulelles will observe, as far as possible, the computer security of the technical supports used by the user when browsing the pages of the website. However, because the Internet cannot be considered a secure medium, S'Hort de Son Caulelles cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements, introduced by third parties, which could cause damage or alterations to the computer system, electronic documents or documents. Consequently, S'Hort de Son Caulelles will not be responsible for any damage that such elements could cause the user to third parties.

The links that the website and blog may contain may lead the user to other websites and web pages managed by third parties, for which S'Hort de Son Caulelles has no responsibility. S'Hort de Son Caulelles is not responsible for the contents or the state of such websites, and access to them through this website does not imply that S'Hort de Son Caulelles recommends or approves their contents.

4.- Regulations and Jurisdiction

These conditions of use of the website are governed in each and every one of its ends according to Spanish law. The language of drafting and interpretation of this legal notice is Spanish. This legal notice will not be filed individually for each user, but will be kept permanently accessible through the Internet on this website.

Users may submit to the Consumer Arbitration System to resolve any controversy, dispute or claim arising from this text or any activity of S'Hort de Son Caulelles. Provided that the User is not a "consumer" as defined by Spanish regulations, the parties agree to submit to the Courts of Palma de Mallorca, as this is the place where the contract is concluded, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that I might correspond